Finisher Ecotrail of Paris- 80km
On Saturday, March 17, 2018, over 2198 enrolled only 1711 participants succeed 80 km-run before climbing 350 steps of the most emblematic Parisian monument in the world; the Eiffel Tower. This is a major challenge where the runners showed fighting spirit, solidarity, humility and perseverance to keep moving forward despite the cold, the mud and the snow.

Finisher Ecotrail
Bernard Controls is proud to count among its collaborators
Chirstophe LAI Ex. VP Finance as a Finisher of the Ecotrail of Paris.
Despite the severe weather conditions (mud, cold, snow, ...) Chirstophe LAI was not discouraged. He persevered to keep moving forward. Congratulations to him
Christophe Lai : 12h00