Selection tool & Duty classification

The duty of your electric actuator must be adapted to your operation. This is one of the most important steps in the choice of your motorization solution. Choose an actuator duty that determines the best actuation solution fitting to your process requirements thanks to our simple classification which even inspired EN15714-2 standard.

Operation: A decisive step in your electric actuator selection

EN 15714-2 Standard defines a duty classification for an electric actuator to operate the valve. 

For many years, BERNARD CONTROLS has been a leader in electric actuation and a forerunner in modulating technology. Our modulating classification (Class III which complies with EN15714-2 Modulating and Classes II & I which comply with EN15714-2 Continuous modulating) is now well-know from our customers and has, in fact, inspired the EN 15714-2 Standard.

EN15714-2 Standard defines a duty classification divided into 4 categories:

Class A: On-Off

The actuator is required to drive the valve through its entire travel from the fully open position to the fully closed position or vice-versa.

Class B: Inching / Positioning

The actuator is required to occasionally drive the valve to any position.

Class C: Modulating

The actuator is required to frequently drive the valve to any position between fully open and fully closed.

Class D: Continuous modulating

The actuator is required to continuously drive the valve to any position between fully open and fully closed.

Increase Endurance

Considering On-Off applications (Class A) and Inching/ Positioning applications (Class B), process requirements imply to set ENDURANCE (lifetime of the actuator - number of cycles) as the decisive criterion.

According to customers' process requirements BERNARD CONTROLS offers:

  • Class A and Class B actuators, complying with EN15714-2 Standard,
  • Class A+ and Class B+ actuators with improved endurance / lifetime.

Improve Performance

Modulating and Continuous Modulating applications require specific expertise to define the most appropriate solution. Duty PERFORMANCE is the main criterion to fully address process requirements, but needs to be specified and completed with additional performance criteria.

BERNARD CONTROLS sets 4 additional performance criteria to EN15714-2 basic design requirements:

  • Response time
  • Dead Band
  • Linearity

According to customers' process requirements, BERNARD CONTROLS offers:

For modulating applications:

  • Its existing Class III actuator range with higher duty performance and specification of additional performance criteria compared to EN15714-2 Class C
  • A new Class III+ range featuring increased endurance AND even higher performances

For continuous modulating applications:

  • Its existing Class II actuator range with higher duty performance and specification of additional performance criteria compared to EN15714-2 Class D
  • A new Class II+ actuator range with increased endurance AND even higher performances
  • Its existing Class I range which features both higher endurance level & higher performances than Class II+
Actuator Selection Tool

BERNARD CONTROLS has developed a simple application named GPS Actuator that helps you to choose your electric actuator solution in 5 steps! Step 3 of this guide helps you to determine the classification that fits with your process specifications following.

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