Bernard Controls’ finishers of the Paris & Rome Marathon
Sunday the 8th of April, Bernard Controls’ members jumped into Paris & Rome Marathon’s adventure with very challenging time target. Runners successfully finish the race.

Here, 43,537 runners took part in the 42nd edition of the Marathon de Paris on Sunday 8th April.
This colourful community was made up of 26% women, 32% foreign runners (from 115 nations) and 36% of newcomers to the distance, which wound through the world’ most beautiful city in spring-like weather conditions.
Loic Maissin, Electrical Engineering Office Manager, is a finisher of the Paris Marathon.

The 24th edition of the 42-km Maratona di Roma, which begins and ends at the Colosseum, takes place at 08.40 on Sunday 8 April.
François Bordais, Vice President - Group IT, is a finisher of the Rome Marathon.