French Prime Minister at Bernard Controls.
Friday 14th December 2018, Bernard Controls welcomed Mr. Edouard Philippe, French Prime Minister, Mrs Muriel Pénicaud, Minister of Labour, and several elected representatives and directors of companies from Val d’Oise, north of Paris. They exchanged on the terms and conditions of the special bonus, announced by President Emmanuel Macron.
Government members and directors gathered at Bernard Controls
Prime Minister, Minister of Labour, Prefect of Val d’Oise and others elected representatives met heads of companies
The meeting took
place at the headquarter of Bernard Controls, in Gonesse, on Friday 14th
Mr. Philippe, Prime Minister, Mrs Pénicaud, Minister of Labour, Mr
Latournerie, Prefect of Val d’Oise and others elected representatives, met several heads of
companies established in the department (county). They exchange views on terms
and conditions of the bonus announced by the President Macron on Monday

A round-table discussion
The Prime Minister and Minister of Labour organised a round-table discussion with directors
The Prime Minister and Minister of Labour organised a round-table discussion with directors, after the presentation of the company, made by Etienne Bernard, CEO of Bernard Controls.
Following this meeting, Prime Minister Philippe clarified terms and conditions on the special bonus in front of journalists.

« It’s a real solidarity gesture to do »
According to Etienne Bernard, companies have a key role to play over community.
Etienne Bernard announced that the company will participate to this specific measure, by giving bonus to employees. “It’s a real solidarity gesture to do” he said, thinking that companies have a key role to play. Indeed, for Etienne Bernard, a company forms a community and has an important societal responsibility over it. Developing jointly economic and social issues is a core strategy of Bernard Controls’ management.