World Day | Women's Day 2019
Focus on Bernard Controls China

March 8th is to take as an opportunity to celebrate our most recent achievement for gender equality. For example, at Bernard Controls China, 50% of the Managers are Women.
In fact, as part of the program “my leadership” – a personal development program based on the idea that, we all are leaders whatever our position in the company, especially women thanks to their natural leadership that we use to call the "maternal instinct” – we give a greater space to women in our organization, so they can express their talent and develop their leadership.
For celebrating employees’ achievements and saying thank you for their dedication, Bernard Controls China give the 8th March half day-off to all female employees. We also organize on the Friday 15th march, a workshop for women who would like to make handmade hair hand. And if men like to join, they will be quite welcome! Indeed, “Think equal, build smart, innovate for change”: Bernard Controls follows the theme given by the United Nations for the year 2019!
Bernard Controls China is a model lab for all our operating units concerning this issue. We aim to spread the equity spirit set up in China to all the group. In fact, this year, we plan to share testimonies to put forward our women talents working in a high technical industrial field, as Bernard Controls, still under-represented in the industry! ( cf: World Day | Women's Day - focus France)