Bernard Controls’ actuators in Honda Manufacturing Unit in Indiana State
Bernard Controls has recently installed 25 quarter-turn electric actuators, EZ10 models with LOGIC integrated control, in Honda car manufacturing plant in Marysville, Indiana, the United States. Currently in commissioning phase, operations will be started up in May 2017.
In the frame of Honda plant’s expansion, electric actuators have been requested to be mounted on dampers. During the paint curing, dampers are settled to process on temperature control and ensure a balance between oven temperature and gas exhaust inside the car body paint.
Compact, sturdy actuators with low torque range, integrated control and positioning class were demanded.
Thus, Bernard Controls offered the EZ quarter-turn actuators from the FIRST BC Label which perfectly match the needs. Non-intrusive, EZ LOGIC actuators offer local control with display and signaling by LED. Prewired and easy to install, they prove long-term resistance while being maintenance-free.